Coalition For a Clean Minnesota River
P.O. Box 488
New Ulm, MN 56073



1. Political Involvement: Helping to track legislation or other societal issues which affect the Minnesota River. Also provide counsel and writing or helping to write letters to appropriate entities which will clearly state our collective position as well as advocate for what is in the best interest of the river is also an important way to help. This may include such things as monetary appropriations for habitat improvement, changes in land use practices, and numerous others. These can be judged on a case by case basis.
2. Help to Increase Our Constituency: Promote membership and donations when appropriate by what ever means are available. This is a crucial component for our survival as an organization. This is also the basis for our political clout.
3. Communications Interaction: Provide CCMR with information on river related events and issues, also, passing along information provided by CCMR. Access to various publications which are available to Advocates would be a vehicle that can promote many items and present a positive outlook with a pro-active approach to river watershed promotions. Generating articles, or reprint of others, would be an area of great help to the over all effort. CCMR has a substantial network in place to assist you and keep you informed through our direct participation in other areas that are directly or indirectly related to the watershed and it's management. The diversity of our network is one of our strengths.
4. Helping with Promotion of Existing Conservation Programs: The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program has been a huge success. It is a voluntary program in which numerous land owners have participated in, which has provided substantial reductions of pollutant loads to the Minnesota River and it's tributaries. Helping us to promote programs such as CREP will be a very important step, along with a number of best management practices needed to ensure cleaner, clearer, healthier water for the future.
5. Volunteer at Riverblast: This event is our sole fundraiser for the year and requires scores of volunteers to accommplish. You can help with the setup, teardown, bartending, ticket sales and many other misc tasks. It is always on labor day Friday and Saturday.
6. Help with the Regional River History and Information Center: Volunteer to be a host on weekends and special occasions.
6. Donate Directly to the organization: Unrestricted funds are needed for organizational operations of all kinds especially our History Center..

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